24 research outputs found

    Mechanical Properties of MEMS Materials

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    Reliability of MEMS

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    Ceramic Injection Molding

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    Thickā€Film Resistor Failure Analysis Based on Lowā€Frequency Noise Measurements

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    The chapter aims to present research results in the field of thickā€film resistor failure analysis based on standard resistance and lowā€frequency noise measurements. Noise spectroscopyā€“based analysis establishes correlation between noise parameters and parameters of noise sources in these heterogeneous nanostructures. Validity of the presented model is verified experimentally for resistors operating under extreme working conditions. For the experimental purposes, thickā€film resistors of different sheet resistances and geometries, realized using commercially available thickā€film resistor compositions, were subjected to highā€voltage pulse (HVP) stressing. The obtained experimental results are qualitatively analysed from microstructure, charge transport mechanism and lowā€frequency noise aspects. Correlation between resistance and lowā€frequency noise changes with resistor degradation and failure due to highā€voltage pulse stressing is observed

    Firing Variables and Strain Sensitivity of Bi2Ru2O7 Thick Resistive Films

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    In order to provide accurate and semi-real-time information about performances and conditions of various civil engineering structures thick-film resistors are often being used as strain sensors. For that purpose, Ba2Ru2O7 thick resistive films based on compositions with sheet resistivities of 1 kOhm/sq, 10 kOhm/sq and 100 kOhm/sq were evaluated. Resistors were fired at three different peak temperatures (825oC, 850oC and 875oC) and with three different dwelling times (5 min, 10 min and 15 min) in order to correlate influence of firing variables and thick resistive film strain sensitivity by tracking structure-related changes in resistance, gage factor and noise index values. For 10 kOhm/sq composition values of resistance change vs. temperature and temperature coefficient of resistance were measured and calculated


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    Irrational and transcendental functions can often be seen in signal processing or physical phenomena analysis as consequences of fractional-order and distributed-order models that result in fractional or partial differential equations. In cases when finding solution in analytical form tends to be difficult or impossible, numerical calculations such as Haar wavelet operational matrix method can be used.Ā  Haar wavelet establishes a direct procedure for transfer function inversion using the wavelet operational matrix for orthogonal function set integration. In this paper an inverse Laplace transform of irrational and transcendental transfer functions using Haar wavelet operational matrix is proposed. Results for a number inverse Laplace transforms are numerically solved and compared with the analytical solutions and solutions provided by commonly used Invlap and NILT algorithms. This approach is useful when the original cannot be represented by an analytical formula and validity of the obtained result needs to be crosschecked and error estimated

    Optimizacija parametara sinterovanja debeloslojnih otpornika na bazi Bi2Ru2O7 slojne otpornosti 10 kĪ©/sq

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    Razvoj novih i unapređenje postojećih elektronskih komponenti koje doprinose smanjenju po-troÅ”nje električne energije pogoduju prelasku sa tradicionalnih na obnovljive izvore energije i doprinoseenergetskoj efikasnosti. Debeloslojni otpornici su pasivne komponente koje se sve viÅ”e kor-iste u pametnim energetski Å”tedljivim kućnim uređjima, LED osvetljenju, upravljanju klima uređajima, električnim trotinetima, sistemima za upravljanje baterijama itd. Zbog toga će u ovom radu biti reči o uticaju parametara sinterovanja na formiranje strukture najčeŔće koriŔćenih debe-loslojnih otpornika na bazi Bi2Ru2O7slojne otpornosti 10 kĪ©/ā˜.Development of new and improvement of existing energy-saving electronic components are supporting transition from traditional to renewable energy sources and contributing to energy effi-ciency. Thick-film resistors are passive components that are often being used in energy-saving smart home appliances, LED lighting, air conditioning management, electric scooters, battery management systemsetc. For these reasons, this paper will deal with optimization of 10 kĪ©/sq Bi2Ru2O7thick-film resistors sintering parameters.The 10th ICREPS was held on October 17 and 18, 2022, in Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of Serbia, Belgrade

    Data handling culture ā€“ a forgotten aspect of the integration of renewable electrical power sources

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    Trenutni trendovi poput digitalizacije, digitalne transformacije, industrije 4.0 i sličnog, koji su karakteristika savremenog druÅ”tva u celini, nametnuli su svet podataka kao imperativ svih sfera ljudskog delovanja. U vrlo kratkom vremenskom roku probijene su sve ranije pretpostavljane barijere u trenutnoj količini podataka koja je u opticaju na globalnom nivou i koja se trenutno meri u desetinama zetabajta sa tendencijom kontinuiranog uvećanja u godinama koje slede. Trend povećanja količine podataka može se zabeležiti na svim nivoima, bez obzira da li posmatramo neki manji, lokalizovani uzorak, regionalni uzorak, ili, kao Å”to je već navedeno, posmatramo globalni digitalni svet. Čak i ako nivo posmatranja svedemo na pojedinačnu instancu, gotovo da nema slučaja u kome ne možemo identifikovati neko povećanje količine podataka. Proporcionalno povećanju količine podataka, uvećala se i potrebna energija koju na različitim nivoima treba obezbediti za neku preduzetu radnju nad tim podacima, bilo da se radi o samom kreiranju tih podataka, skladiÅ”tenju istih, nekoj vrsti obrade, umnožavanju ili nekoj drugoj adekvatnoj vrsti radnje nad tim podacima. Procenjuje se da već nekoliko procenata celokupne svetske proizvodnje električne energije odlazi na segment obezbeđenja neophodnih uslova za izvrÅ”enje neke od radnji nad podacima. U skladu sa tim, mnogi veliki centri za rukovanje podacima parcijalno ili u celosti prelaze na sisteme zasnovane na upotrebi obnovljivih izvora električne energije. Iako je taj transfer doneo niz prednosti i dalje postoji problem ekspanzije podataka na jednom dugoročnijem planu koji nova energetska reÅ”enja treba da isprate. U radu će se pokazati kako se jednim racionalnijim rukovanjem podacima na različitim nivoima upotrebe može stvoriti daleko povoljnije energetsko okruženje na globalnom nivou i kako to okruženje može doprineti jednoj održivosti trenutno primenjenih reÅ”enja koji se tiču upotrebe obnovljivih izvora električne energije u različitim segmentima upotrebe i rada sa podacima u modernom okruženju.Current trends such as digitalization, digital transformation, Industry 4.0 and the like, which are characteristic of modern society as a whole, have imposed the world of data as an imperative of all spheres of human activity. In a very short period of time, all previously assumed barriers in the current amount of data in circulation at the global level, which is currently measured in tens of zettabytes with a tendency to continuously increase in the years to come, have been exceeded. Even if we reduce the level of observation to a single instance, there is almost no case in which we cannot identify any increase in the amount of data. In proportion to the increase in the amount of data, the required energy that needs to be provided at different levels for any action taken on this data has increased, whether it is the creation of this data, its storage, some processing, replication or some other adequate type of action. It is estimated that already few percents of the entire world production of electricity go to the segment of providing the necessary conditions for the performance of some of the work on data. Accordingly, many large data centers are partially or completely switching to systems based on the use of renewable energy sources. Although this transfer has brought a number of advantages, there is still the problem of data expansion in a long-term plan that new energy solutions need to follow. The paper will show how a more rational data handling at different levels of use can create a far more favorable energy environment at the global level and how this environment can contribute to the sustainability of currently applied solutions for renewable energy in different segments of use and work with data in a modern environment.The 10th ICREPS was held on October 17 and 18, 2022, in Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of Serbia, Belgrade